Flexible Schedules

The Benefits of Offering Flexible Schedules

Working a fixed schedule is a relic of the last millennium. At one time, most white-collar workers were tethered to an office, and a clear line existed between work and home. But today, more employees are working flexible schedules. Time and attendance systems now let employees clock in and out by phone or internet, without necessarily coming into the office. Certain positions — such as security officers or life guards — usually cannot choose their hours. But other positions naturally allow for schedule flexibility.

Flexible schedules have four primary benefits for your business:

Increased Productivity

Flexible schedules allow employees to work when they’re at their best. If a worker is a morning person, he can work in the morning. If he fades at 2, he can take a siesta and return to work when he are more rested. In the end, a more energetic worker is a more productive worker.

Less Absenteeism

Life happens: kids get sick, the cable guy can only come between 2 and 4, and the dentist can only fit you in at 10:30. Instead of calling in sick or taking paid time off, flexible schedules let employees put in a full working day before or after they attend to personal business.

Healthier Employees

A University of Minnesota study found that employees who had flexible schedules got almost an hour more sleep during nights before work. They were less likely to work when sick and more likely to get medical attention when they needed it. Ultimately, flexible schedules improved health and energy, and decreased stress and work-family conflict, the study found.

Flexible Schedules Attract Talent

Employers who offer flexible schedules are better able to attract talent, especially millennials who value their independence and work-life balance. In fact, the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College found that employers who don’t offer a flexible work environment “may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage in recruitment of talent for their organizations.”

Sometimes, it is hard to offer a flexible schedule; service staff may need to be on duty at 9:00 sharp, for example. But you may find that many other positions lend themselves to flexibility, and increased productivity plus a happier workforce is a win-win situation.